
Sorry for the pun but I couldn't resist ...

The Moments template started out as a template design reminiscent of the Platform Joomla template we released last year, but the more I worked with it, the more it grew into something with a whole lot more potential.

First some links ...

Live Preview Features Download

Moments has lots of layouts ...

Masonry tiled layout


The front page of the demo features a pinterest-like masonry-driven flexible grid layout but if you dig deeper into the demo you will see that we packed a lot more into this neat little design.

Full page slideshow.

The full width slideshow features an instance of the Zentools slideshow using the template's fullwidth layout.

Full width grid.

The full width grid also uses an instance of the Zentools module to create a striking full width grid based gallery.

Featured images, videos and sound clouds for Joomla and K2.

Moments also provides a unique way to present featured content by placing an image, video clip or even an embedded sound cloud iframe above the title on Joomla and K2 content items.

  • Featured images are created by simply using the standard Joomla or K2 methods for attaching an image to an item.

  • To feature a video or sound cloud object in Joomla simply use the embed code from your provider in the introtext for your item and the template will do the rest.

  • To feature a video or sound cloud object in a K2 item all you need to do is assign it to the K2 media tab and the Zenkit template will position the video in the featured position.

Please note that K2 items also need to be featured (in the K2 parameters) in order to replicate this layout. Users also need to ensure they have Zenkit v2.0.5+ in order to take advantage of these layouts.

Zentools and Zenkit layouts.


In addition to the above, the Moments demo also displays some rather pretty layouts using z combo of Zentools and Zenkit. Check out the Zen Kit Blog, Zentools grid and Zentools slideshow, Magazine, K2 slideshow, K2 Filter, K2 Tabs and K2 Tiles layout.

The Joomla 2.5 Quickstart package will be available shortly for Moments and the documentation will be finished in the next 24 hours.

Sidetrack and Fullscreen release tomorrow.

I'm also hoping to be able to release the Sidetrack and FullScreen templates tomorrow as well. They have been put through their paces with some of our club members and our own techs and are shaping up to be great additions to our T3 / Joomla 3 catalogue of templates.


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