
Joomla 3+ Template

Let Medica take care of your website while you care for others. Medica is an elegant and health oriented business theme with a tonne of class and style.         More

  • Corporate Power

    Medica is an ideal launching platform for your corporate health, business or medical empire. It's a classic design with a bright and mature colour palette, as well as a selection of style options

  • Advanced theme control

    Gazetta provides the option for you to specify the spacing and colours used across the design. You can set the general module padding, mainconnent padding, sidebar padding, sidebar background, date colours, menu color and more.

  • Flexible layout structure

    Medica is built on the Zen Grid Framework v4 which features a flexible layotu structure which means you can create single, two, three column layouts and order the columns in any way you like.

  • Selective Bootstrap support

    Medica features full Bootstrap2 and Bootstrap3 support. It doesn't require Bootstrap for any of it's display elements however if you are using a 3rd party extension that uses either Bootstrap2 or Bootstrap 3 you simply compile that into your theme.

  • Google Font and Typekit Font

    Medica features full access to the extensive Google Font library as well as the ability to patch in any of your Typekit font kits.

  • Offcanvas, megamenu and accordion menus

    The Zen Grid Framework v4 gives you an array of choices when it comes to choosing how you display your site navigation to users on small devices. Choose from toogle, offcanvas, select and stacked menu options.

  • Baked in CSS3 animations

    Easily add fades, roation, slides and bounces to entire rows of content or specific items (when displaying content using Zentools2), to give your site that extra animated feel.

  • Back to top, Sticky Nav and Lazyload Image

    Medica features a stellar collection of usability tools and tweaks that help to enhance your site's user experience.

  • Connect your social networks

    Medica features a selection of socialbuttons that are built into the template using Facebook like, Twitter tweet, Google Plus one and Pinterest pinit share technology. You can also add your own social network icons via the template admin.

  • Developer friendly tools and architecture

    Our framework is an open and flexible templating framework that provides an easy to follow layout structure and hierarchy with a lot of tools such as script and css compression out of the box via the template settings.

  • Built in One page mode

    For our pharmacist friends, who would like to start their own online website using JoomlaBamboo templates. Do note that they can prepare for the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Exam (DPEE).

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