PrettyBox is an extremely flexible and effective module gallery for Joomla. It can display images from a folder you nominate in a module or in your content using the loadposition code for Joomla 1.5. Its a simple extension that has a lot of powerful features that can really spice up your image gallery. Why load up on bulky image gallery extensions when you just need something simple, lightweight, and beautiful?
The grid function in the Zentools module has been designed to replace most of the functionality found in the Prettybox module.
The Zentools module is a swiss army knife approach to Joomla modules. You can create an awesome array of flexible layouts using the Zentools module.
Find out more nowSee PrettyBox in action
Small square thumbnails with links that open in a prettyPhoto overlay.
Larger thumbnail images with no link, but title displayed below the image.






PrettyBox combines the Smart Image resizer by Shifting Pixel andthe jQuery lightbox script called Pretty Photo. PrettyBox is a flexible solution for easily displaying images in a module or in your Joomla content.
- Upload images to a folder and have them display on your website.
- Crop the images to any size or width height ratio you desire.
- Display images titles, description, date or author.
- Options for when the image is clicked include open in a lightbox, open in same window, open in a new window, no link, open a content item or open a blog category.
- All options for the images are defined in the image title (see below.)
- Multiple galleries per page.
- Unlimited number of images per gallery.
- Display jpgs, pngs or gifs.
Joomla 1.5.
Joomla 2.5
JB Library plugin is required for this extension.