
a free Joomla 1.5 / Joomla 2.5 / Joomla 3.0 system plugin for responsive video - Free extension

fitvidsFitvids is a simple Joomla plugin that implements Chris Coyler's and Paravel's responsive video solution. The Fitvids plugin automatically installs the javascript and css required to turn any video on your website into a fluid resizing video object.


Fitvids requires that the jQuery library is loading on your website.

If you are using one of the Zen Grid Framework Version 2 templates then this is already happening and so there is nothing more to do.

Otherwise you can use our JB Library plugin or any other option available for adding jQuery to your Joomla website.



  • Turns any video embedded into your Joomla site into a fluid, resizing video player. 
  • Compatible with Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5



Resize the browser window to see the video below scale according to the width of the browser.

Using the Allvideo plugin?

If you are using Allvideos to render your videos then the folks at Joomlaworks have just released an update which uses a responsive template. We recommend using the responsive template from Allvideos over using this plugin to render responsive video.

Plugin Ordering

Please ensure that the Fitvid plugin appears after your jQuery plugin (eg lower down in the plugin manager order) in your extension manager.

  • Navigate to the extensions > plugin manager
  • Place the Fitvids plugin after your chosen method of implementing jQuery on your site.


Happy Campers