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Read More link not working in Buildr

zentoolsIf you use Zentools please post a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

I'm having trouble with the Read More button - seems to be on articles I've created. Demo content works.

Joomla 3.6.2
Buildr 1.3.2
JCE 2.5.27

Dev site:
Top menu: I'm new / Start here (Menu item type: Category Blog)

The article "What to expect" has a Read more button, but the hover/link isn't working.

This is the code:
<section class="readmore">
<a class="readon btn btn-default" href="/im-new/what-to-expect">
Read more ... </span>

I tested the menu item on the Beez3 template, and the button worked. I switched back to Buildr, and the button had been changed to text - but it worked.

Beez3 template code (link works):
<p class="readmore">
<a href="/im-new/what-to-expect">
Read more ...</a>

Back to Buildr (link works):
<p class="readmore">
<a href="/im-new/what-to-expect">
Read more ...</a>

I went to the editor (JCE), selected the Read More graphic within the text. Then selected Paragraph Style: btn

It changed to a button but the hover/link stopped working. The code changed back to the original example above.

The Read More button works on the demo pages on the same site.

Footer menu: About Us
This is the demo content, where the Read More buttons all work (hover and link).

<section class="readmore">
<a class="readon btn btn-default" href="/about-us/9-services-3">
Read more ... </span>

The only difference I can see is that in the demo code, href shows the article ID# (9). Although, my link was working without the ID in Beez3 template and text.

I'm stuck... Any ideas? Settings I should check?
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Hi Laura,

If you just add the readmore without the graphic does that work?

so you just have

<hr id="system-readmore" />

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Nope - no-go.

I think I found the culprit, though.

In the menu settings, I had leading articles set to 4. I changed leading articles to 1 and now the Read More works.

I had always thought that if Leading Articles were set to display, you wouldn't even see a Read More button. Since it was on the page, I didn't even think to check the menu settings.

Oh, Joomla! still messing with me after all these years. :-)
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aha I never use leading articles so thanks for the update :)

I've not across this before either

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zentoolsIf you use Zentools please post a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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