
After updating to T3 version 2.3.0 when using a Bootstrap 2 based template with menu dropdown behaviour set to 'Mouse Hover', you may run into a problem with the hover behaviour not working.

We are currently in the process of updating our template packages with the fix, however, this will only affect the layouts that come with the theme. If you have copied layouts to a new name in the template administration area, the fix will need to be applied to your each of your new layouts.

To fix the problem, follow the steps below.

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A recent update to the T3 may result in a blank page for your Joomla 3 installation if you are running an installation less than Joomla 3.3. This is a bit of an edge case and one that we are yet to see in the wild but a number of tests on our quickstart packages locally have produced the error.

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This tutorial will look at adding styling to images using the JCE Editor without the use of in-line styling.

For the full tutorial, please view adding a class to an image using the JCE Editor.

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Using Joomla's Link A in a Zentools module means that when the module is clicked, you are directed to a different page from the original content source.

This provides an excellent way of linking to pages that normally can't display content in a Zentools module.

You can view this tutorial on the Zentools extension site.

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One solution is to upload an extension via the tmp folder. This article on our knowledgebase looks at how you can utilise this method to install Joomla extensions using the tmp folder.

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The ability to create search engine friendly urls has been available since the release of Joomla! 1.5. Joomla provides two methods for creating search engine friendly urls. The default option is without mod_rewrite which means that the urls still contain the index.php reference in the url. The second option involves removing this reference via the use of Apache mod_rewrite.

To enable url rewriting in Apache, the htacces.txt file needs to be renamed and there are several steps to follow.

This article on our knowledgebase will guide you through the correct procedure for renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

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The first step in troubleshooting this issue is working out how much memory is available to the site.

This tutorial looks at how a user can find out the PHP memory limit.

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To make small css edits to T3 templates, we usually recommend using the custom.css method as it is convenient (the file can be edited in the template administration area), the code is not affected when updating the template and it keeps your code separated from the compiled LESS files (which makes it easier to debug and keep track of if you need to troubleshoot your changes). It also gets loaded on each page using the template regardless of the selected theme, making it good for site wide structural changes.

However, as all T3 templates are built using LESS, it is also possible to override or add LESS syntax without it being wiped out when upgrading the template. This is a somewhat advanced technique and should only be attempted if you are experienced with LESS or feeling adventurous.

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All our newer Joomla templates are available as a Joomla 3+ quickstart package and contain a copy of the JoomlaBamboo template demo site (there are some instances where the quickstart package differes from the demo site)

A Joomla 3+ quickstart package contains the Joomla 3+ content management system files together with the template, extensions and sample demo data.

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This article on our knowledgebase describes how to disable the hit counter in Joomla sites.

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Anthony has spoken before about why he chose Siteground to host the Joomlabamboo website, but during some recent googling I was even more impressed with the choice when I found that SiteGround hosts in excess of 100,000 Joomla sites and even operate their own in house Joomla security team. I was actually googling for something completely unrelated but stopped to check out this video about Joomla site security.

This video provides an indepth look at the 8 most common hacks of Joomla sites seen on sites hosted by Siteground and also (and importantly) how to prevent your site from becoming compromised.

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One of the interesting new features in Joomla 3.2 is the ability to manage the Joomla CMS Configuration details from the front-end. This means that you can now change certain but not all website configuration parameters from the front end of your website.

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